Monday, December 29, 2008

Batman.. and The Dark Knight

Ya... ya... i know.. it has been too late for me to wite about this movie (The Dark Knight).. hehehe..

abisnya,, ya.. mau gimana lagi..?? emang aku baru nonton tanggal 27 kemaren..

well, bout this movie, i think it's a brilliant movie. and i can say this is the best Batman movie ever made. Heath Ledger was doing so great in this movie, the best. I always wonder where did he get that voice from?? Joker's voice was so strong. I mean, only from his voice, we will know that he's a mad man. A freak.
Bale.. well, probably it's true that he didnt do so great in that movie. but, still,, i always love batman.. Hehehhe.. what can i say??? i just love Batman and whoever plays as him in movie.

since i was a little kid, i always see that batman is different than any other fiction hero. he's not handsome, like superman. never. he's not nerd, like clark kent or peter parker. but he's rich. hehehe. and i love batman!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awal yang baik